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How to Take Advantage of Magento’s Free, On-Demand Courses

Brent Peterson


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How to Take Advantage of Magento’s Free, On-Demand Courses

In the midst of the nation-wide lockdown and stay-at-home orders, there are millions of people starting to feel a little bored staying in their houses for days at a time. To help cure that antsy feeling of cabin fever, Adobe has made Marketo and Magento training courses available for free, providing on-demand learning for anyone wanting to improve their skills. Learn how you can get started and take advantage of this incredible offer by checking out the courses listed below!

Requirements and Deadline

To access any of the free Marketo University and MagentoU training courses, all you need is an Adobe ID to log in to your lessons. If you don’t have an Adobe ID, you can sign up for your free account by clicking here.

You do not have to be a current Marketo or Magento customer to take advantage of these on-demand training courses. Just sign up with your Adobe ID and you’ll be good to go! Just note that this free 90-day trial offer will only be available until June 30, 2020.

Courses for Backend and Frontend Developers

  • Core Principles for Theming in Magento 2. This course is for frontend developers to begin transitioning from Magento 1 to Magento 2. Students will be taught the fundamentals of Magento’s template system, how Magento themes work, how to customize their websites, and work with other various aspects of web pages.
  • Magento Order Management for Developers. Backend developers will gain the practical knowledge and skills to efficiently deploy, test, troubleshoot, and operate the Magento Order Management system.
  • Fundamentals of Magento 2 Development. This is the first course in a multi-session development course for backend developers who want to work with the new architecture, learn the different terminologies, and understand the best practices for creating Magento 2 sites.
  • Magento Commerce Cloud for Developers. This course is a follow-up to the Free Intro to Magento Commerce Cloud training course. In these lessons, students will learn how to deploy Magento Commerce, go live, troubleshoot issues in the Cloud environment, debug and profile on Cloud, and begin working with Javascript development.
  • Getting Started with Javascript Development. Developers will learn essential skills when it comes to implementing and customizing solutions with Magento 2 and Javascript-related functionality. Students should have at least 1 year of experience with Javascript before taking this class.

Courses for Project Managers, Business Users, and Solution Architects

  • Magento B2B for Business Users. Students will get an overview of the Magento B2B features, learn how to set up and configure catalogs, and set up crucial company information for B2B partners. The course also covers purchasing and checkout processes, tracking purchases, issuing quotes, monitoring permissions, and the backend order process.
  • PageBuilder for Business Users. This course is for anyone who uses the Magento Admin dashboard to create, edit, or publish content on their Magento sites. Students will learn how to identify key features of PageBuilder, how to customize it to match their brand, and the concept of the Design System.

To find more free courses from MagentoU and Marketo, just visit Adobe’s Digital Technology Learning page!

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Grow Your eCommerce

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Brent Peterson

About the Author

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

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