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Pros and Cons of Using WordPress for eCommerce

If you are planning to build an eCommerce store, you might have been considering WordPress because of its popularity. The platform rules 40.0% of websites on the internet, so its popularity as a content management system is undeniable.

Moreover, it is a leading platform specifically for eCommerce businesses too. As currently, 26% of eCommerce stores use the WordPress plugin WooCommerce. However, there are various other eCommerce specific platforms too, like Shopify and BigCommerce. So, can WordPress be a good choice for eCommerce?

Is WordPress Good for eCommerce?

Let’s find out whether it’s the right choice by looking at the pros and cons of using WordPress for eCommerce!

Pros of Using WordPress for eCommerce

Free and Easy to Use

WordPress.org is an open-source platform where you can install the software and create your account for free. You would require technical skills for working with WordPress. However, you can escape that by using drag-and-drop tools like Elementor or Divi. Moreover, the eCommerce plugins can be used to handle and manage your entire eCommerce business.     

WooCommerce Plugin

WooCommerce is one of the highest-rated platforms for eCommerce businesses. By integrating it into your WordPress you can add various functions to your online store. These include options like selecting different payment and shipment methods, customization of the product pages, adding attractive themes, etc. 

Moreover, there are various handy plugins that help you add social proof, increase interactivity with customers, and secure your business data. eCommerce or small businesses, WooCommerce can be an ideal choice.

Customization and Flexibility

Both WordPress and WooCommerce allow you to make your e-store as personalized as you want. You can change the appearance of your storefront, try different layouts and themes easily. Moreover, you can add more details to your store by adding different designs and styles for shopping carts, prices, product categories, etc. 

If you have some developing skills, you can easily make your store as customized as per your liking. 

A Range of Plugins and Themes

WordPress provides you with a range of useful plugins and attractive themes that helps you bring traffic to your website. Other than WooCommerce itself, there are various plugins that you can add to your eCommerce store. Ecwid eCommerce shopping cart is one of them, through which you can get options for selling on social platforms and have an automatic taxing system. For digital products, you can use Easy Digital Downloads.

Moreover, there are a number of themes too through which you can make your website more appealing. You can use Divi, Beaver, Elementor, and others to enhance your e-store design.

SEO Friendliness

Another great thing about eCommerce on WordPress is that you would not have to worry about ranking your eCommerce site. In terms of page loading speed, optimization of product titles, URLs, etc, WordPress works better than most website builders. Also, with the plugins like Yoast, you can easily optimize your website.

Cons of Using WordPress for eCommerce

Plugins Compatibility issues

Though there are a number of useful plugins on WordPress, it sometimes can be problematic to use different plugins simultaneously. As various of the plugins might not be compatible with WooCommerce. To resolve the issues related to this, you would be required to hire a skilled developer or you have to go for low-quality plugins that are compatible. 

Security Issues

With WordPress, security issues are another concern. As it is an open source platform, for ensuring security you have to make your site secure on your own so that you can make sure that your data is protected.

Moreover, the websites on WordPress are more vulnerable in terms of security because of two reasons. Firstly, because of its popularity and secondly because it is an open source platform.

Not Precisely an eCommerce Platform

Yet another drawback of using WordPress for eCommerce is that it’s not entirely an eCommerce platform and relies more on the plugins. In comparison to Shopify, Squarespace, or BigCommerce, the features you will get on WordPress will be limited. For each different feature, you are required to use a different plugin. 

Final Thoughts

WordPress is the most widely used CMS platform, and it is a viable option for eCommerce businesses too. With the integration of the WooCommerce plugin, you can create a dynamic eCommerce store. WordPress with WooCommerce gives you the authority of complete customization in terms of the layout and themes of the website. Moreover, WordPress comes with many plugins through which you can add more detail to your e-stores.

However, there are some issues related to security and the compatibility of plugins, which make it difficult to manage the store. Since WordPress is mostly used for blogging it is not as complete a platform for eCommerce as some of the platforms that are specifically designed for building eCommerce stores. Nevertheless, for small businesses, WordPress with WooCommerce can be a good option.

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Digital Marketing Specialist at Learn Quran Institute.

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