Home > Simple eCommerce Automation Recipes Your Business Needs

Simple eCommerce Automation Recipes Your Business Needs

Brent Peterson
Brent Peterson

Managing all the ins and outs of your company can quickly become overwhelming if you don’t have the right tools. Along with keeping track of essential tasks, such as financials, customer service, marketing, and product development, business owners are also expected to be active on social media and send out regular emails to their customers. If you’re wondering how you could possibly find enough time to do it all, a simple automation recipe could be the perfect solution for your hectic schedule.

What are Automation Recipes?

Typical automation tools perform essential, routine business tasks, such as sending cart recovery emails or creating social media posts, while requiring little to no effort on your part. With the right social media automation recipe, for instance, you would no longer have to remember to post on your company’s Facebook page every day.

Most automation tools include pre-built automation recipes that are designed to handle one specific task, like onboarding customers or identifying leads. No matter where your customer service or marketing strategies fall flat, this process can help you create a more well-rounded experience for your customers and keep them coming back time and time again. To give you just a few ideas for your own business, here are a few of the top eCommerce automation recipes that other retailers highly recommend:

New Customer Emails

When someone purchases a product from you for the first time, you can intrigue them and begin building a long-term relationship with them by automated a simple set of emails. This automation recipe could include:

  • A welcome email that thanks them for their purchase.
  • A check-in email to remind them to reach out with any questions or concerns.
  • An email regarding product delivery.
  • A request for a product review.
  • A promotion offer.

Instead of keeping track of all these crucial steps on your own, you can simply use a recipe to do all the work for you! Marketo is a great option for this process, as well as sending personalized emails, segmenting customers, viewing helpful analytics, and much more. eCommerce Automation is the key to success.

Cart Abandonment Emails

When someone browses your site, adds several items to their cart, and leaves without buying anything, it can be frustrating for any business owner. To encourage people to come back and complete the transaction, creating a cart abandonment campaign can be highly effective.

With the Abandoned Cart Email feature, which can be found on Magento Marketplace, you can set up a chain of emails specifically for browsers who abandon their carts. You can customize the email templates, how much time to leave between messages, run tests, and gain access to valuable statistics so you can further improve your marketing efforts.

Social Media Automation

Social media automation recipes can help you track brand mentions, relevant topics, post engagements, and even monitor the interactions you’ve had with specific clients. With a HubSpot integration, you can efficiently post on all of your social media platforms at once and schedule your social posts to be published at the optimal time to make sure your target audience will see them. HubSpot also offers great SEO tools to help you create content that will gain the most attention.

For more helpful tips, feel free to check out our blogs on the best eCommerce practices for modern businesses!

From Browsing to Buying: Put Wagento’s eCommerce Mastery to Work for You

Brent Peterson
Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

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