Home > 8 Awesome Design Tips for Your Magento eCommerce Website

8 Awesome Design Tips for Your Magento eCommerce Website


There are more than 250,000 Magento stores on the Web worldwide and for a good reason. That’s because this eCommerce platform is known for usability and customization.

But just because your online store runs on Magento does not mean sales will flow in. How your eCommerce website looks, and whether you make it easy for your customers to checkout, is integral.

Luckily, Magento allows your eCommerce website’s user interface to provide an excellent customer experience. This means you can customize how your online store looks in a way that can compel customers to buy your products.

That said, here are eight excellent design tips that you can use on your Magento eCommerce site:

Use Responsive Design

As customers view your site from different devices, you need to ensure that your web page looks appealing in all of them. A responsive site design can benefit you in a lot of ways- it can enhance conversions and boost your search engine rankings. 

You can also leverage some pretty impressive Magento features. This includes the following:

  • Making pixel-perfect sites
  • Fast page load speeds
  • Customizable homepage layouts
  • Front-end customization
  • AJAX compatibility for sliders 

Have an Intuitive Navigation Structure

In the world of eCommerce, the competition is stiff. For online shoppers, this shouldn’t take two or three mouse clicks to get their desired product. If this takes longer, impatient visitors will switch to your competitors. 

At Sytian Web Design Philippines, we tell our clients that intuitive web navigation is key to an excellent website structure. Visitors will also more likely stay longer if a site is well-structured and easily navigable. 

Showcase the Important Information

Information on your site should be neatly organized and easily visible so that your customers won’t go far from finding it. 

Important information such as contact details, Terms and Conditions, and Returns Policy should be obvious. The same thing goes for your FAQ page and Refund Policy. 

Other information or links that show up in your site header include checkout, social media icons, and newsletter sign-up.

Add High-Quality Images

From a design standpoint, one of the best things you can do on your site is investing in high-quality images. 

Ideally, all your products and product photos should look and feel professional. 

Images that look generic or taken from stick photos will cheapen your brand. As a result, customers will lose trust in you if they don’t believe the image they saw online is the same photo of the product they’re getting. 

Meanwhile, great images will give your site a professional and visually appealing look. 

User-Friendly Shopping Cart

Another best practice is to place a user-friendly shopping cart in your Magento store. 

Adding a user-friendly shopping cart is one way to turn website visitors into paying customers. And an excellent way to make a shopping cart user-friendly is to let customers add and remove products in their cart with ease. 

Implement SEO Tactics

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can make or break your Magento eCommerce site. 

Make sure that it’s SEO optimized to get your desired outcomes. Analyze industry data, look up keywords, and study your competitors. 

You should also pay close attention to keyword research. That’s because incorporating the right keywords on your product pages can help it rank on search engine results. This provides an excellent opportunity for you to attract your customers. 

It would be best to come up with unique product descriptions. Another thing you can do is integrate customer feedback and upload multimedia content. 

Aside from that, you should ensure that your online store is free of duplicate, thin content. This means your product descriptions should be as unique as possible. 

Incorporate Calls-to-Action

When organizing content for your site, you need to focus on crafting a solid call to action

Make your site easy to navigate to gain more conversions. It would also help direct users to a specific part of your site by placing a fitting CTA. 

Make sure that you make navigation simple and place appropriate links, and you’ll see your conversions rise. 

Practice Personalization

When designing an attractive and user-friendly Magento store, it should be easy to use. The design should also be so that only a minimum amount of time is consumed when shopping. 

Your product details should be compelling and accurate. This means you need to write a product description that includes the product’s size, weight, and color. In addition, it would help if you also write about the benefits that your product can give and how to best use it.

You should also use appealing hues and fonts to grab the user’s attention and make your site more attractive. Overall, personalization plays a crucial role in your site’s overall performance. That’s because it’s directly related to customer experience. 

As we know, an excellent customer experience can lead to more sales and profits. 

Here’s the thing: The role of an eCommerce website is to generate sales. And one way you can achieve that is if you make it easy for your customers to buy your products. If you want to make that happen on your Magento website, the tips listed can be an excellent start.

Need Help? Wagento to The Rescue 

Do you want to give your existing Magento eCommerce website a revamp? Yes! You have nothing to worry about. Give our professionals a call and we will be more than happy to help you with any website design and development needs.  

Maybe you want to set up or migrate your store? Whether you need help with website-or-data migration tasks to website audit, platform upgrades to ERP integration, and more — we offer a range of services tailored to your unique needs.  

Well, we can also help you create a user-friendly, attractive, and effective eCommerce website that stands out from the crowd. We have the expertise to build eCommerce sites on Magento. Thus, helping businesses of any size to scale new heights.  

Contact Wagento today for more information on our latest services! 

Design Your eCommerce Reverie to Life with Wagento

Kenneth Sytian is the Owner and CEO of Sytian Productions Website Design Philippines. He has been designing websites and developing web apps for more than a decade. He is the driving force behind the company and influencer in the industry of web design and development in the Philippines.

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