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7 Security Musts to Protect Your Small Business Website and Data

Brent Peterson
Brent Peterson
7 Security Musts to Protect Your Small Business Website and Data

Cybercriminals prey on small businesses like yours. It’s a sad but true fact. These unsavory characters know that most small businesses don’t have formal cybersecurity policies, which leaves them more vulnerable to attacks than larger corporations.

Developing and instituting safeguards around websites and private data doesn’t have to be difficult. Wagento is committed to ensuring that your eCommerce site performs well. That’s why we would like to take you through a few cybersecurity essentials to keep your small business protected and prepared.


Your staff is the first line of defense when it comes to digital security. IBM estimates that 40% of the most recent business data breaches were caused by employees. This is why training staff around cybersecurity is so crucial. Needless to say, developing comprehensive training programs often requires a huge commitment of time and cash — two things that can be obstacles for small businesses. However, there are plenty of cybersecurity training resources online.


The next essential layer of your cybersecurity plan should be a VPN. Virtual Private Networks will allow you and your employees to access sensitive information through secure channels. With end-to-end encryption, a VPN prevents intrusion from various threats including governments, hackers, competitors, advertisers, and illegitimate Wi-Fi networks. Your staff can also access this network remotely, providing convenience without compromising security.


According to Kaspersky, 60% of small businesses that experience a successful online attack will close their doors permanently. Most will do so in six months or less. Businesses that survive will still be left with enormous losses from the theft of financial information and the upheaval of normal operations. This is why you need to take cybersecurity seriously. You need to invest in training and a VPN, but you also need to install antivirus software on all of your devices.

Remote Security

With so many employees working from home, securing company devices is even more paramount. Antivirus software and VPNs are a start. However, instituting additional security measures around these devices is also prudent. If possible, you should only allow employees to access secure business information via company-owned devices. The use of personal devices should only be permitted if they can keep this use closely within company cybersecurity norms.

Secure Passwords

The next prong of your cybersecurity plan should focus on passwords. Weak passwords can leave all of the security measures already mentioned open to attack, rendering them ineffective. Security experts recommend using random passphrases rather than passwords, the former of which are more difficult for attackers to decipher. All employees should also avoid using the same password across multiple accounts/devices and include readily available personal information in company passwords. Two-factor authentication is also highly advisable.

Data Backups

With the prevalence of global data protection laws, losing private information can spell disaster for your small business. If you collect protected information via your website, you need to have a secure place to back up this information in the event of a breach. This need is why cloud backup services have been growing in popularity among small businesses. Look for a cloud service that uses multiple layers of encryption and tools to prevent access to your company’s stored data.

Recovery Plans

Multiple layers of security can limit the risks of a successful data breach. But even the best tools cannot prevent a successful attack altogether. Tech and corporate behemoths like Facebook, Capital One, and Amazon have all been mixed up in successful data breaches. In fact, Facebook has experienced multiple breaches and leaks of private information just in the last year alone. This is why, in addition to comprehensive cybersecurity policies, your small business also needs a detailed recovery plan, preferably before an attack has even occurred.

There’s no doubt that foregoing formal cybersecurity procedures will leave your website and other data access points open to attack. An attack could cost your small business more than just profits. The reputation and very existence of your business could be at risk. So don’t leave your life’s work up to chance.

When you need digital agency and commerce solutions for your business, look no further than the award-winning global services provided by Wagento. Start planning your project today.

Photo Credit: Rawpixel

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Brent Peterson
Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

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