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5 Effective Strategies to Sell More Online

Brent Peterson


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5 Effective Strategies to Sell More Online

2020 will be remembered as the year of the eCommerce boom, which online shopping become of the most popular online activity in the world. Consumers are getting more comfortable with online payments, and e-retails have been working to provide a smooth user experience. According to a recent study, it is projected that e-retail revenue will reach more than U$ 6 trillion in 2022. 

The movement is excellent for consumers who can shop online without leaving their home and also for entrepreneurs who have seen another sales channel grow. With so many options, how do you stand out? Here are some questions that will assist you in this journey:

1. How do you communicate with your potential customer?

The first step to sell more online is to do a quick audit of your current marketing messages. Your copy needs to talk to be consistent and speak the same “language” as your ideal client. It is common to see brands that want to engage with younger audiences not using their tone of voice, for example. The ideal, in this case, is to study the consumer audience and market your brand voice to talk to them. 

2.What is your unique selling point, and have you been communicating it well?

Every brand has something that makes them different from their competitors: communication, product quality or design, price, among others. To be able to stand out, you must have clear in your mind what this quality is and communicate it well. Evolve Skateboards, for example, has service centers and distributors now servicing over 40 countries, and it is evident in the marketing material. Don’t be afraid to tell your potential customers why you are different than the other brands, it makes a massive difference in the decision-making process. 

3. Are you putting your brand in front of your ideal client?

In addition to having a clear ideal client and knowing what makes you better than your competitors, the entrepreneur must use the right marketing platforms. For example, if you sell services for senior professionals, Linkedin would work better than TikTok.

As social media are always changing, keep yourself familiarized with the current features. Some brands focus on the basics offered by Instagram — photos in the feed and stories– but visibility has been increasing for those who use new tools like Reels, the short video editing tool, and IGTV, part of longer videos. 

4. How is your website user experience?

Social networks serve as a showcase, but it is vital to have your own website. Let’s be honest, nobody likes a slow and hard to navigate website. Usually, people are doing so many things at the same time that you don’t want to lose a potential client that is already on your website because they can not find what they are looking for. To increase conversions, keep the website structure simple and clean. 

5. Are you providing all the information that your potential client needs to make the purchase?

It is incredible to see how many websites don’t make the shipping dates and return policy clear, for example. Ideally, you will have on your website an FAQ section where you supply all the answers that your client may have.  

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Grow Your eCommerce

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Brent Peterson

About the Author

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

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